Escape Room Counter icon

Escape Room Counter. A running list of games we've played.

Strategies icon

Escape Game Strategies. General, overall escape room strategies.

Tips icon

Puzzle Specific Tips. If you've played a lot of adventure games, computer escape games, or real life escape games, you've no doubt encountered some, if not many, of these puzzle types. Unsure about the types of puzzles you might find in an escape room? Odds are, when you play them, you're likely to run into puzzles that use these mechanics.

Codes icon

Codes and Ciphers. Codes and Ciphers are often found in escape rooms. These are some of my favorites.

Etiquette icon

Escape Room Etiquette. At one time, these suggestions were included in my list of escape room strategies, because if you implement them, you're likely to get along better with everyone in the room and thereby do better in the game. Showing some decorum and having manners is more likely to improve the experience for all, unless, of course, you enjoy irritating people more than you enjoy solving puzzles.

Best Room Ever icon

The Best Escape Room Ever. One day, in the Facebook Escape Room Ethusiasts group, I initiated a conversation that got out of hand.I thought the result was so funny that I put it into a PowerPoint. The title is sarcastic, but you'll figure that out soon enough. To view it, you'll need Adobe Acrobat. Make sure to download it without the add-ons.

Martin Lastrapes Podcast

Fun with Murder Rooms. This takes you to the author Martin Lastrapes' podcast in which he and I discuss escape rooms, among other things.

13th Gate Parking Sign

The Dad. A story about when I was trapped in an escape room with a pleasant family and their not-so-pleasant father. This is why I don't have a regular blog about escape rooms. My posts would mostly turn out like this.