The Path of Reason Cover

The Path of Reason is the most important piece of writing I have done, and was the result of years of research, study, debate, and introspection. It is also the most controversial work I have released, because it describes how, over the first forty years of my life, I went from being a Christian to an agnostic to an atheist. I wrote it as a self-help book, intended as a guide for those who, like me, have struggled with organized religion and other, not so formal, belief systems. If those aren't a problem for you, then this book is probably not something you will appreciate. The Path of Reason was published by Algora Publishing, a small New York house, and is available on Amazon. Debates about any and all of the issues discussed in this book are readily available on a social media platform near you.

Fun with Stuff Cover

For ten years, I wrote a humor column called "Fun with Stuff" that was published monthly in a Southern California Mensa bulletin. I never got paid for it. I wrote it for free. At the end of those ten non-profitable years, I won the Mensa national award for Best Humor column, for which I was awarded a certificate. They had stopped giving out trophies the previous year. So I published a collection of fifty of the best columns, and nobody bought it. Alright, that last part is an exaggeration: there's a possibility that you might buy it at out of sheer pity for me. It's available on Amazon.

Dreams and Drama Cover

In 2007, I followed the sixth season of American Idol from start to finish - sometimes from the comfort of my living room and at other times in the actual American Idol studio on the lot at CBS Television City. It seemed to me that the dramas that American Idol created told us a few things about who we are as people, and so I took the liberty of commenting on these, as well as the story of the contestant's struggles. When it was over, I had a full length book. Literary agents said things like, "You should have done this as a blog," "Good luck getting the legal permissions you need to publish it," and "The season is over; no one cares." Great, another completed manuscript I couldn't do anything with, except post it here. Click on the cover for the PDF. To view it, you may need Adobe Reader.